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Introduction of IR/casinos in Japan
1. Process of Legislation for Introducing the IR project and Project Implementation

July 2008
Suzukifs letter addressed to Minister Mah Bow Tan was handed to the minister by Mr. Tsuyoshi Iwaya, (MP, Liberal Democratic Party, Chairperson of the Parliamentary League for the Introduction of Casinos) and Mr. Issei Koga (MP, Democratic Party, Vice-chairperson of the League)
In the name of the non-partisan Parliamentary League, both MPs requested Suzuki to work for the introduction of casinos in Japan successfully.

December 2008
Suzuki organized the Parliamentary League for Hub Development consisting of 15 members, mainly MPs of the Democratic Party.
After the Democratic Party government was born, most of the members were appointed to take important positions in the government.

May 2009
Suzuki drafted the Bill on the Basic Hub Development Act, and held 6 meetings to examine the draft and make it the base for Japanfs growth strategies. The introduction of casinos in Japan is included in Article 40 in the bill.

January 2010
Suzuki received a request from the Parliamentary League for the Introduction of Casinos consisting of MPs of the Liberal Democratic Party and Democratic Party that it would like to join the Parliamentary League for Hub Development after the Democratic Party became the ruling party.

June 2010
The Parliamentary League for Economic Hub Development proposed priority items for growth strategies to the government, which were approved.

August 2010
In parallel to governmental support to the Tianjin Eco-City and other large-scale projects, which was approved as a Japanfs growth strategy,
Suzuki, as the organizer of the Parliamentary League for Hub Development, is now working with several Cabinet members to realize the gintroduction of casinos to Japan.h This is included in the Vision of Economic Hub Promotion as one of plans to gincite domestic demand and invite excellent foreign investors to Japan.h

2. General Policy Special Zones, Economic Special Zones in the Affected Area as proposed by us and approved by the government, and the Legislation of IR business

Rehabilitation Policies Proposed by Suzukifs Team@(including a Party Leader/Prime Minister candidate)
(From a viewpoint of developing relations with the Singapore Government, Government-linked Corporations, and Private Sector Corporations)


After the collapse of the bubble economy in 1990, Japan has closed its doors to other countries for the past two decades. In order to internationalize the current systems and to direct Japan to open its doors, a non-partisan group formulated the bill for Basic Economic Hub Development Act.

The non-partisan group was organized by Suzuki in 2002. Based on this group, six meetings were held from 2008 to 2010 with Minister of Finance Noda as the chief.

In 2009, most of the members were appointed as ministers, vice-ministers and parliamentary secretaries.

NODA, Yoshihiko Minister of Finance
MAEHARA, Seiji Minister for Foreign Affairs
SENGOKU, Yoshito Chief Cabinet Secretary
HARAGUCHI, Kazuhiro Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications
AISAWA, Ichiro Chair, Diet Affairs Committee
IWAYA, Takeshi Vice Chair. Policy Research Council
KOGA, Issei Chair, Committee on Land, Infrastructure and Transport
GEMBA, Koichiro Chair. Policy Research Committee @ and others@@¦3


The proposed Economic Hub aims to exclude conventional customs and restrictions which have been prevented Japan from opening its doors to other countries, and to create new systems. Beginning with the liberalization of ports, airports, and investments, the manufacturing and service industries in general will be opened without exceptions, so that Japan can be developed into an Economic Hub.

To promote this plan, the Economic Special Zone (Enterprise Zone System) which was proposed after the Hanshin Awaji Earthquake was noted again. In order to obtain cooperation from the Singapore government as a leader of hub development, the organization of a bilateral high level organization was studied. (Consultation with Minister Mah Bow Tan in 2008.)

The establishment of Economic Special Zones is a way to activate foreign investments to Japan. As concrete examples, a Financial Center and IR business will be introduced.


After the East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, Suzuki convened a non-partisan Rehabilitation meeting. As the conclusion of the three meetings, the proposal for establishing gEconomic Special Zones (Rehabilitation Special Zones) was submitted to the government.
The proposal was adopted by the government. Further, Four Rehabilitation Special Zones were proposed.

One of the proposed special zones, gEco-City + Automobile-related New Industries Special Zoneh was adopted by the government in the name of the gSmart Villageh project.

The proposed Four Special Zones will be promoted by laws drafted by the Economic Hub Development group, the members of which are identical with the members of the Rehabilitation meeting. (attached document)


The members of the non-partisan Rehabilitation Meeting, 4 Rehabilitation Special Zones proposal, Economic Hub Development Promotion group, are MPs who are most prospective politicians. They are expected to take responsibilities in the new government to be formed in September after Prime Minister Kan.
* MP Noda (Minister of Finance) and MP Maehara (fomer Minister for Foreign Affairs) are expected as the next party leader and prime minister.

The ultimate goal of the non-partisan team, the team of young and middle standing members of the Democratic Party, and Minister Noda is to redevelop Japan in accordance with the growth strategy by the Economic Hub Development Promotion group. The introduction of IR in Japan will mean to lead the growth strategy which symbolizes the opening of Japan, rather than to promote the tourism or resort industries.


This IR introduction will be implemented as the flagship for rehabilitation, along with the Eco-City Development, at the most promising site in Tokyo (Daiba, Tokyo Bay) as the gFirst Street / First Cityh of opened Japan.

For the Eco-City (Smart Village) development in the disaster area, and the Flagship project in Tokyo, we consider to ask the National Development Department of Singapore which is sponsoring the Tianjin Eco-City project, for cooperation. Also for the introduction of IR, we are asking the Singapore government for its cooperation.
These projects will be put into implementation under the new government and MP Noda and MP Maehara.

*1)@ For legislating IR introduction to Japan, a bill was prepared by Issei Koga as the chairperson of the Parliamentary League for Casino and more than 100 MPs expressed their agreement. Both Issei Koga(DPJ), and the former chairperson of the League, Takeshi Iwaya (LDP) are members of Suzuki group.
The bill will be submitted to the Extraordinary Session (in September).
Suzuki considers that he will obtain support from the Singapore government to amend the contents of the bill modeling after the pertinent laws in Singapore.

*2)@This project will be linked with the gRedevelopment Project in Daiba in Tokyo Bayh which was registered as a General Policy Special Zone by the Prime Ministerfs Office. The developers of this redevelopment project are the Tokyo Metropolitan Office, an automobile manufacturer and a major developer.

This Daiba Redevelopment Project will be promoted with the support of the@laws on the gRehabilitation Special Zone Incentivesh proposed by our non-partisan group and on the gGeneral Policy Special Zone Incentivesh proposed by our Economic Hub Development group and approved by the government.

At the same time, as the First Street of Opened Japan, the introduction of a business complex (IR operations) will be studied to enable the mobilization of foreign investments.


NODA, Yoshihiko Minister of Finance
MAEHARA, Seiji Minister for Foreign Affairs
SENGOKU, Yoshito Chief Cabinet Secretary
HARAGUCHI, Kazuhiro Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications
AISAWA, Ichiro Chair, Diet Affairs Committee
IWAYA, Takeshi Vice Chair. Policy Research Council
KOGA, Issei Chair, Committee on Land, Infrastructure and Transport
GEMBA, Koichiro Chair. Policy Research Committee
TARUTOKO, Shinji Chair, Committee on Fundamental National Policies
MATSUNO, Yorihisa Former Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary
MATSUZAWA, Shigefumi Kanagawa Prefecture Governor
MATSUBARA, Jin Vice-chair, Committee on Budget
EDANO, Yukio Chief Cabinet Secretary
RYU, Hirofumi Parliamentary Secretary of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology@
NAGASHIMA, Akihisa Former Parliamentary Secretary of Defense
WATANABE, Yoshimi President of Your Party (Minna-no-Tou) /
Former Minister for Administrative, Regulatory Reforms and Financial Services

* Process of the gGeneral Policy Special Zone Legislationh
by the Japanese government by Suzuki group

As a new growth strategy of Japan, we planned and implemented the legislation in order to stimulate economic rehabilitation of Japan. Under the proposal, preferential treatments are applied in the Enterprise Zone, and foreign investments in amount of 1 billion yen will be mobilized.
The members of the gEconomic Hub Development Promotion Grouph are currently serving as ministers, vice ministers, parliamentary secretaries.

Later, the structure for the Enterprise Zone that Suzuki conceived as a redevelopment site at Daiba, Tokyo Bay (attached) was followed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, an automobile manufacturing company, a developer company of Daiba, and they applied their portions to the Prime Ministerfs Office.(attached) The applications were approved.

In the meanwhile, Osaka prefecture (Governer Hashimoto) and other local governments, quasi-public corporations, private companies submitted their applications (for IR business), but their applications were turned down.

3. Planning national projects to rehabilitate the affected area and IR projects through Japanfs participation in TPP (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement)
› A casino can be an element for a hub.

If a casino is introduced as an element of a hub, be it a port, airport, communications, or financial, the introduction can be a positive project for the exhausted economy of Japan.
› In order to have a casino be favorably accepted by local populace, the following explanations will be more encouraging than just saying, gthe profits from the casino will be returned to the locality.h

œ The introduction of casinos will mean that Japan will join the hub dynamism of Asia and the
@@ world.
œ The local economy will be activated and people will be enlivened, and the profits will be returned
@@to local people.

Investors to casino facilities will also be investors to hub businesses.

To make the introduction of casinos a success, investments from other countries will be required. Investors in casino complexes in the world are also making investments in ports, airports and communication systems.

Suzuki made a proposal to the chairperson of the LDP Casino Entertainment Subcommittee and that of the DPJ Study Committee on Leisure as below.
› Request potential foreign investors and the localities wishing to introduce casinos to present the targets they want to achieve for strengthening the hub in their localities.

The Singapore government imposed an obligation on bidders of casino facilities to invest to public facilities. The Japanese government should follow this example, and ask foreign investors to present their investment targets to make the investing locality a hub. At the same time, the local governments wishing to introduce casino facilities should present their targets to obtain investments to the ports, airports, or their hinterlands.

It is necessary to include in the bill to legalize casinos the need for making Japan and local regions into hubs. It is also necessary to establish the Parliamentary League of interested MPs of different parties in order to pass the bill.

Concrete activities are underway including fleshing out the bill.
› Casino Introduction and Decentralization When the local government makes efforts to develop a hub in a locality, it will promote administrative decentralization.

In order for a locality to invite investors from other countries, the locality has to join the world competition of hub networks. It is only when the locality is capable of taking part in the competition, that it would be possible to attract foreign investors to the hub and its hinterland (casino and other complexes).

Localities wishing to introduce casino facilities should make special efforts such as preparing incentives to attract investors.
The government should facilitate investment by foreign investors to the localities wishing to introduce casinos.

It is considered that to implement the above scenario would lead to decentralization.